Vigorous Defense Against Mail, Wire And Securities Fraud Accusations
For more than 30 years, William Mauzy, Attorney at Law, in Minneapolis has aggressively, skillfully protected the rights of clients in Minnesota and nationwide who have been accused of defrauding others by use of the U.S. mails or phones.
Many people are surprised to learn that wire and mail fraud are two of the most common “white collar” federal charges leveled at defendants by federal prosecutors. This does not reflect the fact that there is a secret proliferation of the incidents of these crimes. Rather, these charges act as “catch-all” categories that are used as back up charges when federal prosecutors are not sure how else to charge someone suspected of illegitimate financial dealings.
What Is Mail Fraud?
Mail fraud involves use of the postal service or a private commercial interstate carrier to advance a scheme to defraud someone of property or funds or a scheme to obtain money or property by false representations or promises. The scheme must be “calculated to deceive a person of ordinary prudence.” These mail fraud charges at the federal level are sometimes brought in conjunction with other white collar fraud charges such as bank fraud, securities fraud and money laundering.
Accomplished criminal defense attorney William Mauzy excels at representation during an investigation, negotiations with prosecutors and forceful litigation before judge and jury.
What Is Wire Fraud?
Wire fraud criminal charges involve interstate or foreign use of a phone, Internet, email, fax services or any other form of electronic communication, with intent to defraud someone or to cheat someone out of money by false representation or promises. Wire fraud may involve telemarketing schemes, but also broadly covers almost any fraudulent activity.
If state or federal authorities are investigating your role in wire fraud activity, or if you have been charged in state or federal court on any kind of fraud charge or white collar financial crime, William Mauzy, Attorney at Law, can effectively represent you.
What Is Securities Fraud?
A frequent criminal charge in business investigations is securities fraud. In securities cases, prosecutors allege a willful violation of the anti-fraud provision of the securities act. A federal securities law makes it illegal to engage in any fraudulent practice in the offer and sale of securities, regardless of whether those securities are required to be registered with the SEC and even if the securities are exempt from the registration requirements.
In criminal cases, the prosecution must prove a willful violation and the prosecution must prove that the fraud had some negative impact on the investor. The prosecution must establish an intent to deceive, lie, manipulate or defraud and that the seller had a consciousness that he was engaging in some form of illegal behavior. A person’s good faith may be raised as a defense in many securities fraud cases.
Experience That Makes A Difference
Mail fraud and wire fraud crimes are frequently brought by federal prosecutors. These charges involved an allegation that the defendant engaged in a scheme to defraud another person out of money and used the mail or telephone as part of the scheme. Failed or underperforming investments, hiding the costs of goods sold or other pricing information, or disappointment with a purchased commercial product usually is not enough to prove mail or wire fraud. Importantly, the prosecutor must prove the defendant acted with specific criminal intent.
If your case goes go to trial, Mr. Mauzy puts his years of experience to work in the courtroom to try to achieve the best possible result. He has successfully tried more than 100 trials during his career as a defense lawyer in Minnesota state and federal courts.
Get A Strong Defense After An Accusation Of Intent To Defraud
Regardless of the type of fraud you are charged with — mail, wire, mortgage, health care, securities or investment fraud — you can expect experienced, effective defense representation from William Mauzy.
Contact William Mauzy, Attorney at Law, today to confidentially discuss your case. Call the Minneapolis office at 612-504-5533 or send an online message.