The environment has become a pressing concern for the authorities in recent decades. In fact, there are a number of federal laws, such as the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, that allow the federal government to keep close tabs on companies in particular. ...
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Environmental Crimes
What’s an environmental crime?
Environmental crimes are, in essence, crimes that affect entire communities – even the world. By their very nature, they damage ecosystems, endanger the public’s health and hurt the environment as a whole. In a world that’s becoming increasingly conscious of the...
What are 3 common kinds of environmental crimes?
Environmental crimes can quickly get your company into trouble. As an individual owner of a company that has to manage its air emissions and other environmental impacts, it’s important for you to know what you can or cannot do. If you do happen to make a mistake, it’s...
Improper disposal of hazardous waste is problematic
Government officials expect businesses to uphold all applicable laws, and the owners are typically the ones who are held accountable for ensuring that this happens. An individual or a company may face backlash when they break certain environmental laws. Addressing any...
Minnesota companies: Beware of committing environmental crimes
For several decades, the nation has increased its efforts to preserve our fragile environment. Most of the national population does not have much knowledge of these federal protection efforts. These laws have little impact on the daily lives of Americans. However,...